Custom Designed Post and Beam Brackets

For simple design requests send us an email explaining what you want.  For more complex design requests please follow the steps below.

First Step - Contact us

Send me some info on your project.  

Please correspond with me through email. It is hard for me to do this efficiently over the phone.

Take a few minutes and sketch out your project on paper or use the link below.  Include all the info and dimensions that I will need to work on your design.  Include info like, pitch angle, beam sizes, joint details and any other info that you think is necessary.  Send me a picture of your sketch.  I will review the information and give you a rough idea of the costThe cost is typically close to what you see on my standard listings.  

Below is a link to a Truss Form

Second Step - Design

Next, I work on the design if you want to make an order.  A deposit may be required at our discretion.  The deposit is typically not required for most design requests. The deposit is generally $25-$150 depending on how much design work is required.  I will take all the information you provided and I will design your project in CAD.  I will provide you with detailed sketches of your custom brackets.  Please thoroughly review these designs and let me know where you want the designs adjusted.  This process usually takes a little back and forth to get it to the final product.   

Third Step - Purchase the Order

Now that we have an approved design I will provide you with a listing on my website to purchase your custom order.  Please review the designs thoroughly and please review the product description.  Make sure everything is good before you purchase the order.  We cannot return custom designs, so please take the time to review all designs and consult local professionals before purchasing.   Please contact me with any questions.